Publish:2020-11-18 15:38:06Click
1. Visiting students and scholars who need to extend study period may start to apply from today.
To apply:Download the extension application form, complete the form and send back to the contact email address
Dead line: December 10, 2020
2. General visiting students who intend to change study department may start to apply from today.
To apply: Download the transfer application form, complete the form and send
back to the contact email address
Dead line: December 15, 2020
3. The extension name list will come out by the middle of December
4. Notice:Due to the epidemic, there is no confirmation of on campus class teaching for next semester.
5. Contact email:
Appendix: 1. Application form for extension (General Visiting Student)
2.Application Form for Department Transfer(General Visiting Students)
3. Application form for extension (Senior Visiting Student & Research Scholar)